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beginner/intermediate waltz/foxtrot routines
Posted by Orville Idema
12/31/2019  5:52:00 PM
What are considered beginner routines?
What are considered intermediate routines?
Re: beginner/intermediate waltz/foxtrot routines
Posted by prak
1/27/2020  3:57:00 PM
Beginner routines typically consist entirely of syllabus steps, probably none more difficult than Bronze. Intermediate routines likely go through any syllabus step with inclusion of some non-syllabus moves occurring, depending on the context.

Your question doesn't really ask much, so it's hard to come up with a more detailed answer than, beginner routines are danceable by beginners, and intermediate routines by intermediate dancers!

For complete beginners, a waltz basic amalgamation might be considered a routine. For foxtrot, a beginner routine might be feather step, reverse turn, feather finish, change of direction.

An intermediate foxtrot routine would look more like, feather step, open telemark, natural turn from promenade (lady outside), outside swivel, feather step.

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